
card, Christmas
card, Christmas

card, Christmas

Catalog Number
3.50 in in.
Christmas card mailed to the Bos family, Front - rural snowy image, red horse drawn sleigh with 2 passengers riding over snow covered bridge, blue stream, snow covered ground, snow on evergreen boughs and tree branches, red building in back with snow covered roof, red bottom border. Inside left - blank. Inside right - “Greetings and very best wishes for Christmas and throughout the New Year”. Hand signature - “The Lamers”. Back - Made in USA.
The Bos family consisted of the donor, Brenda, and her parents Berend (1906-1981) and Grace (1913-1984). They lived in Holland, MI at 259 West 23rd Street.
Berend worked at the French Pastry Shoppe and Dutch Boy Bakery.
Gift of
Bos, Brenda E.