
card, greeting
card, greeting

card, greeting

Catalog Number
Easter card showing a boy and a girl walking out of a stone church.  Spring flowers and blossoms visible.
The caption at the top reads "A Happy Easter".

On the inside, the message reads "love Papa Jake and Grandma Betsy".
Jacob Vander Putten was born September 17, 1880 in the Netherlands. He died April 28, 1952 in Holland, MI. Jacob worked at Hart & Cooley for 25 years, retiring in 1945. He lived with his wife, Sara Wynders Vander Putten (1882-1968) in Holland, MI at 37 East 8th Street and, leter, at 702 North Shore Drive. Both are buried in Pilgrim Home. The Vander Putten’s adopted Jacob’s niece and nephew, Henry (1911-1969) and Grace (1913-1984) Vanden Hoff Vander Putten.
Gift of
Bos, Brenda E.