Catalog Number
This image is part of the Reimold family photograph collection. It shows the inside of a home. It is thought to be The Maples or the Van Raalte Farm on 16th Street. The image shows a man behind a camera.
O.S. Reimold Sr. and Julia C. Van Raalte were married on September 10, 1902. O.S. is Orlando Shrainer. O.S. Reimold Sr. (1873-1962) came to Holland as the principal of Holland Public Schools. It is there he met Julia, who was a teacher for Holland Public at the time. They were married in Hong Kong. Julia was the grand daughter of A.C. Van Raalte. Julia was born to Benjamin Van Raalte at their home on 16th Street. Julia was the only female of the graduating Hope class of 1895. O.S. worked for the World Book Company. Julia and their boys, Philip B (b 1903) and O.S. Jr. (b 1910) summered at the family home on 16th Street (May to Nov.). The home was called “The Maples” and was built for Benjamin Van Raalte Sr in 1867.
Gift of
Reimold, O.S.